Built with AMD’s advanced Zen 3 architecture, the AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D AM4 desktop processor delivers high performance. It packs 8 cores with hyper-threading to efficiently handle various software from gaming to video editing. It comes with an unlocked multiplier so you can easily overclock the CPU to squeeze out extra power for those heavy-duty tasks.
- 3.4GHz clock speed with 4.5GHz max boost makes the processor more than capable of 1080p gaming, FHD video rendering, and many other intensive operations
- Eight cores with 16 threads gets work done faster which results in smooth multi-tasking, faster execution of programs, lag-free streaming, and more
- VR-ready CPU is powerful enough to run virtual reality games that give you a taste of realistic game play
- AMD StoreMI Technology boosts data access speeds of the storage drive which makes system boot faster, games or apps load quicker, and finishing file operating tasks in less time